Fast Vision.

Von visionären Gedanken zu validierten Konzept

I'm a software engineer with more than 10 years of experience in a variety of domains.

Senior Digital Designer

Berlin, GetMoreSleep ✌️

Als Gründer weiß man, dass der Weg zum Erfolg oft mit Herausforderungen gepflastert ist – insbesondere, wenn man bereits erste Hürden gemeistert hat und nun das Produkt entwickeln möchte, das man den Investoren präsentiert hat. Doch wo beginnt man? Der Schlüssel liegt darin, ein solides Fundament zu schaffen. Perfektion ist hierbei nicht das Ziel, denn im Lebenszyklus eines Produkts wird sich noch viel verändern. Viele Fragen bleiben unbeantwortet, und zahlreiche Themen sind in den Köpfen der Verantwortlichen noch unartikuliert.

Hier kommt unser Workshop "Fast Vision" ins Spiel. Sein Hauptziel ist es, ein starkes Fundament aus Wissen und Produktentwicklung zu errichten. Gemeinsam kreieren wir eine Vision – unseren Nordstern – der uns von der Null zum Beta-Status und sogar bis zur Version 1.0 führen wird. Ein intensives zweitägiges Programm reicht aus, um dieses Fundament zu legen: Ein Tag für die Analyse und ein weiterer Tag für die Lösungsfindung.

Nach diesen beiden bereichernden Tagen, in denen zahlreiche Entscheidungen getroffen werden, beginnt unsere eigentliche Arbeit. Wir verwandeln die ausgearbeiteten Konzepte und Best Practices in einen Prototypen, der einem echten digitalen Produkt in nichts nachsteht. Dieser Prototyp wird dann mit realen Nutzern getestet, wodurch wir wertvolles Feedback erhalten, noch bevor eine Zeile Code geschrieben wurde. Das spart nicht nur erhebliche Kosten, sondern verschafft Ihnen auch einen entscheidenden zeitlichen Vorsprung gegenüber der Konkurrenz.

Stephen Mayer, a Salt Lake City native, was nurtured in the publishing world by his magazine-running father and developed a fascination for fonts upon receiving a Mac for his family. During his collegiate years, he skipped lectures and gained knowledge about typeface—and life—by working as a designer for his university newspaper.

He also worked independently as a consultant, bridging the gap between typeface creators and users, always championing the needs of both parties. Not only is he the co-founder of the web platforms, Typographica and Fonts In Use, Stephen has also penned a regular column for Print magazine and authored the acclaimed book The Anatomy of Type. In 2017, he became an integral part of the nonprofit library and museum, Letterform Archive, as an Associate Curator and Editorial Director.

Pssst…You can drag the photographs

Pssst…You can drag the photographs

So läuft der Workshop ab



Starts at $1,999

We immerse ourselves into an organisation to identify insights across brand, product and technology.

Audience analysis

Brand architecture

Brand positioning

Competitive analysis

Great custom service! I needed to make some specific changes and Rustam sent me a quick step by step video explaining how to make changes. Great communication!

Exotik Wrapz, Canada


Starts at $2,999

We build dynamic, distinct brands that transform how businesses connect with their audiences.

Art direction

Brand guidelines

Brand identity

Campaign design

Design systems

Motion design

Had some issues where my site crashed and broke, reached out to Rustam to see if he could help me fix it. Even though we are 12 hours apart in time, he was quick to reply.

Everett Vane, London



Nur C-Level

We immerse ourselves into an organisation to identify insights across brand, product and technology.

Audience analysis

Brand architecture

Brand positioning

Competitive analysis

Great custom service! I needed to make some specific changes and Rustam sent me a quick step by step video explaining how to make changes. Great communication!

Exotik Wrapz, Canada


We build dynamic, distinct brands that transform how businesses connect with their audiences.

Art direction

Brand guidelines

Brand identity

Campaign design

Design systems

Motion design

Had some issues where my site crashed and broke, reached out to Rustam to see if he could help me fix it. Even though we are 12 hours apart in time, he was quick to reply.

Everett Vane, London



Nur C-Level

We immerse ourselves into an organisation to identify insights across brand, product and technology.

Audience analysis

Brand architecture

Brand positioning

Competitive analysis

Great custom service! I needed to make some specific changes and Rustam sent me a quick step by step video explaining how to make changes. Great communication!

Exotik Wrapz, Canada


Überarbeitung und Übergabe des Projektes.

Figma File mit


Brand guidelines

Brand identity

Campaign design

Design systems

Motion design

Had some issues where my site crashed and broke, reached out to Rustam to see if he could help me fix it. Even though we are 12 hours apart in time, he was quick to reply.

Everett Vane, London


May 2000 · Present

Senior Front-end Engineer


In my role as a Senior Software Engineer for Google, I am responsible for developing and maintaining the Chrome Web Experience.

Web development

Creative development


CMS integration

API integration

May 2017 · Apr 2020

Cloud Software Developer


In my role as a Senior Software Engineer for Google, I am responsible for developing and maintaining the Chrome Web Experience.


May 2017 · Apr 2020

Master of Technology Science

Purdue University

Throughout my years at Purdue, I immersed myself in a dynamic learning environment, surrounded by dedicated faculty and talented peers.

May 2017 · Apr 2020

Bachelor of Technology

San Jose State UniversitySan Jose State University

Throughout my years at SJSU, I immersed myself in a dynamic learning environment, surrounded by dedicated faculty and talented peers.

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